Billing and Records Requests
DeForest Windsor Fire and EMS contracts with a specialized EMS billing company. If you have any questions about your EMS bill, or insurance payment for service, please use the contact information below. If your complete insurance information was not obtained by the hospital you were treated at, ImageTrend will contact you by phone or mail to gather updated information.
PO Box 863
Lewisville, NC 27023
Phone: 800-849-5603
Website: www.emsmc.com
Copies of EMS Reports
Each patient that is evaluated or treated by DeForest Windsor Fire & EMS requires a pre-hospital EMS report to be completed by the crew member(s) rendering care. The report is completed electronically and is stored securely for future access if needed. It contains information about the call location, date/time, the patient’s demographics, medical history, details regarding the patient’s condition as well as any treatments or interventions performed by EMS prior to arrival at the hospital.
In compliance with the HIPAA Privacy Act, the information contained within this chart may only be shared with those providing treatment, for payment purposes (insurance reimbursement, etc.) and for health care operations.
To request a copy of a patient’s pre-hospital EMS report, please complete the medical request form linked below and return it to adisalvo@deforestwindsorfire.com. All requests for patient records will be processed as quickly as possible.
Copies of Fire Reports
A report is generated for every fire call, from alarms to structure fires. These reports are completed electronically and contain information about the call such as the location, persons or structures involved, damages, etc. To request a copy of a fire report, please contact Image Trend at the address provided above. All requests will be processed as quickly as possible.