Public Education
Every member on the DeForest Windsor Fire and EMS Department takes great pride in the service they provide to their community and that service does not stop with fighting fires and providing emergency medical services. DWFD enjoys delivering presentations to local school groups, attending local career fairs, offering emergency preparedness classes like CPR and Fire Extinguisher Use, and much more.
To schedule an event, please reach out to us via info@deforestwindsorfire.com or give us a call at (608)846-4364.
CPR and First Aid Training
DeForest Windsor Fire and EMS offers American Heart Association CPR and First Aid certification classes. CPR training provides you with the skills necessary to save the life of someone in cardiac arrest. This training is beneficial to any person who wants to know how to help and is especially beneficial for daycare providers, babysitters, and teachers. Class costs are as follows:
HeartSaver Adult/Child/Infant CPR and AED – $65
HeartSaver Adult/Child/Infant CPR and AED plus First Aid – $75
Adult or Child First Aid – $35
Healthcare Provider Basic Life Support – $75
Replacement Card – $20
Please Email or call us to set up CPR Training.
Fire Extinguisher Training
DeForest Windsor Fire & EMS offer fire extinguisher trainings to businesses in the area that teaches them how to properly use a fire extinguisher and when its needed the most. The cost of this is training does require at least 10 or more people at $15.00 a person.
Please Email or call us to set up Fire Extinguisher Training
Station Tours
A tour of the fire station is a great way to meet your local Firefighters, EMTs, and Paramedics while learning how the department operates.
Anyone is welcome to arrange a tour of the fire station. Visitors will be shown pieces of fire and EMS equipment that we use daily during emergency situations. Equipment like the fire trucks and ambulances, and the gear we wear. We will do our best to tailor any tour to meet your needs and desires. We just ask you to let us know ahead of time.
To schedule a tour, please fill out the form below or call us at (608) 846-4364. We prefer to schedule tours at least two weeks in advance.
Please be aware that our Firefighters, EMTs, and Paramedics are on call 24 hours a day. Even if you have a tour booked, there is a possibility that the crew could be called out and the station could be closed when you arrive. To verify the availability of our team on the day of your tour, please call us at (608) 846-4364 shortly before your scheduled time. We apologize if this happens and are happy to work with you to reschedule your tour.