Deforest Windsor Fire & EMS Contact Information
All emergency dispatching is handled by the Dane County Communications Center (9-1-1) in Madison, WI. If you have an emergency please call 9-1-1 and provide the call taker with as much information as possible. Police, Fire, and EMS will be dispatched as needed.
Phone Contacts
Emergency 9-1-1
Non-Emergency (608) 846-4364
Fax (608) 846-6786
Mailing Address
DeForest Windsor Fire & EMS
110 S. Stevenson St.
DeForest, WI 53532
Billing Inquiries
PO Box 863, Lewisville, NC 27023
Email Contacts
Steve LaFeber, Chief - slafeber@deforestwindsorfire.com
Lindsey Mooney, Office Manager - lmooney@deforestwindsorfire.com
Kraig Knapp, Divisional Chief/Fire Inspector - kknapp@deforestwindsorfire.com
Dean Mancheski, Deputy Chief - dmancheski@deforestwindsorfire.com
Tony DiSalvo Assistant EMS Chief - adisalvo@deforestwindsorfire.com
Medical Director, Kacey Kronenfeld, MD, - medicaldirector@deforestwindsorfire.com